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Is there medical marijuana in Mississippi?Yes, there is medical marijuana in Mississippi. Those who demonstrate qualifying medical conditions and obtain a proper recommendation can legally get their hands on Mississippi medical marijuana likely starting by the end of the year.
How to find a medical marijuana caregiver in Mississippi?Finding a medical marijuana caregiver in Mississippi is easy. Typically, those who are underage will have their parent or guardian act as a caregiver. If you’re elderly and have a caregiver at home, this person can also act as your MMJ caregiver. They just have to have the following qualifications: Be at least 21 years old Be a current Mississippi resident. Don’t have any license, ID, or state-issued document that the MMJ program has revoked Cannot have been convicted of a disqualifying criminal condition in the last five years If they have a medical license, the license must be in good standing Cannot already be a caregiver to a qualified patient Once Mississippi medical marijuana patient applications open this summer, so will the applications for caregivers. Patient cards are available for qualified patients that meet with a practitioner. Visit Mississippi Cannabis Patients Alliance for more information.
What medical conditions is cannabis prescribed for in Mississippi?Mississippi medical cannabis law states that you can get a medical card for the following qualifying conditions: Cancer Parkinson’s disease Huntington’s disease Muscular dystrophy Glaucoma Spastic quadriplegia HIV/AIDS Hepatitis ALS Crohn’s disease Ulcerative colitis Sickle-cell anemia Alzheimer’s disease Agitation of dementia PTSD Autism Pain refractory to appropriate opioid management Diabetic/peripheral neuropathy Spinal cord injury or disease Chronic, terminal, or debilitating disease or medical conditions (or its treatment) that produce the following conditions: Cachexia Chronic pain Severe or intractable nausea Seizures Severe or persistent muscle spasms, including those characteristic of multiple sclerosis
Who can purchase cannabis in Mississippi and what are the limits?Qualifying patients, regardless of age, are allowed to buy 3.5 grams a day, six days a week- that's about 3 ounces each month. The MSDH is setting up a process for physicians to recommend medical marijuana to patients with certain debilitating conditions and allow such patients or their caregivers to purchase and possess cannabis as medicine. Marijuana can be consumed at the patient’s discretion but at no one time shall a qualified patient possess more than 2.5 ounces of medical marijuana to prepare edible products, topicals, ointments, oils, tinctures, or other products. Possession of up to 30 grams of cannabis or 10 grams of synthetic cannabinoids, without a qualifying medical patient card, is punishable by a fine of $100 to $250 for the first offense, and penalties are higher for any subsequent offenses.
Are cannabis or cannabinoids helpful in treating health conditions?Cannabinoids may help treat certain rare forms of epilepsy, nausea and vomiting associated with cancer chemotherapy, loss of appetite, and weight loss associated with HIV/AIDS. In addition, some evidence suggests the benefits of cannabis or cannabinoids for chronic pain and multiple sclerosis symptoms.
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